The vast majority of web hosts offer some sort of refund policy if you decide you don’t need or don’t like the plan you selected. Some give customers only a week to decide, while others, including sister companies InMotion Hosting and Web Hosting Hub, allow for 90-day money-back guarantees.
Of course, not all hosts include money-back guarantees — but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re an untrustworthy host. Liquid Web, for example, is known for superb service and top-notch infrastructure but does not include a money-back guarantee — we still give the company some of our highest ratings.
Of course, not all hosts include money-back guarantees — but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re an untrustworthy host. Liquid Web, for example, is known for superb service and top-notch infrastructure but does not include a money-back guarantee — we still give the company some of our highest ratings.
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